Welcome to Intercol, manufacturer of hot melt adhesives, the independent hot melt adhesive specialist in the field of industrial adhesives. Think about production, research, technical support and delivery from stock. Of course you can also contact us for cold adhesives, hot melt adhesives, packaging adhesives.
Adhesive applications
Label adhesives, assembly and cardboard adhesives. In addition, our Futura hotmelt range, which is based on PO (polyeolefin) and metallocenes, is very friendly to your hotmelt device. The use of this new generation of thermally stable hotmelts generally reduces maintenance costs considerably. We will do everything in our power to reduce production downtime through quick advice and delivery from stock.
If you would like to make an appointment with one of our hotmelt specialists, if you need a special hotmelt adhesive for your guns (e.g. low viscosity hotmelt adhesives) or a specific color, please contact us.